Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Shopping for Baby Carseat

So, you've taken the pregnancy test, had the ultrasound, etc...  Now what are you going to do?  Whether or not you know what you are having at this point, we can help you figure out what gear to get so that you are prepared!
First of all, safety is most important, next comes price.  We recommend checking out safety ratings on carseats before you start shopping.  Usually Graco is the top-rated safety brand.  They are not too expensive and come in a variety of colors and patterns.  A car-seat carrier is what you need first, before anything else, because you can't leave the hospital with your baby without it.
Depending on where you go they can cost anywhere from $80-$100.  Ultimately, the brand is up to you, of course. Remember, this is an investment, so if you plan on having more than one child within 5 years, please do not get one in pink.  The problem is, when you have another baby and it is a boy, you probably don't want to put him in a pink carrier.
When you purchase your carseat, make sure that you find out how to properly install it and make sure that the handle is always down when you are driving.  If you don't and you get in a car accident, it can snap.  You can learn how to properly install from your local police or fire department.  Some dealerships also offer this along with Babies R Us.  
Also, please remember to not keep your baby in the carrier if your baby becomes more than 26in. long or 20lbs.(which ever comes first).  It is unsafe and there are other carseats for them when they get bigger.  Please remember to destroy and throw away your carseat after about 5 years after purchasing it.  The plastic becomes brittle and it is a danger to use it at that point.


  1. تلعب شركة رش الدفان بحفر الباطن الالمانية دور هام في رش الدفان بحفر الباطن، حيث تكمن أهمية الشركة في رش الحشرات التي قد تسبب ازعاج للمواطن سواء في منازلهم او في مزارعهم .
    الحشرات من الأشياء المزعجة التي تسبب الكثير من الامراض للمواطنين، مثل البكتيريا والاصابة بالفيروسات والميكروبات، كما أن وجود الحشرات يسبب كثير من الضرر والازعاج الكبير لأصحاب المنازل والمنشئات ، حيث تقوم الحشرات بضرر وتلف كبير لأثاث المنزل، لذلك عملية رش الحشرات تعتبر لها أهمية كبيرة.
    شركة رش الدفان بحفر الباطن
